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Banji Alexander visits our School!​​​​​​​

As the Teacher-turned-Author approached the School Gate, he pressed the buzzer and walked through.  He was greeted with screams and cries of ‘Its Banji Alexander!!’ Whoops of joy continued from the children until they couldn’t see him any more as he passed through to the main school office.

Thanks to Mrs Davies’ work in assemblies with the schoolchildren, they were VERY excited to finally, meet this man! And he didn’t disappoint!  As a previous primary school teacher, he knew how to engage them from Year 1 to Year 6.  He read some excerpts from his book, tantalising them to want to read what happened to Reggie and his looming birthday party. Banji commented on their wonderful hats and gave out the personally signed, pre-ordered books. After School, at 3.15pm, he had more work to do – sign more books for parents and their children.  I just hope he had brought enough!  To see more about Banji and his books go to