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Joseph Hood

Primary School

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Marking and Presentation

We believe that effective assessment provides information to improve teaching and learning. We give our children regular feedback on their learning so that they understand what it is that they need to do better. This allows us to base our lesson plans on a detailed knowledge of each pupil. We give parents regular reports on their child’s progress so that teachers, children and parents are all working together to raise standards for all our children.
When marking, we ensure that:
  • It informs both the child and the teacher of what has been achieved and what needs to happen next.
  • It is informing the teacher of the learning needs which can be incorporated into future planning.
  • Children are given time to reflect on / read / respond to marking.
  • We give children verbal feedback on their work whenever possible.
  • Effort is acknowledged alongside achievement
  • We use an agreed code for marking, as this ensures that we all mark in the same way and that all children and staff quickly and easily understand the marking that has been done.
  • When we mark spellings at Foundation stage and Key Stage 1, we identify them where appropriate. At Key Stage 2, we underline 3 spellings and write ‘sp’ at the side and the correct spelling at the end of the work.


Target setting
We set targets in mathematics and English for all our children. We also enable children to set their own targets related to their learning. Children have on-going targets for Maths, Writing and Reading; these are written in the children’s books and referred to as teachers mark. Children also have the opportunity to refer to their individual targets during self assessment and during quality peer marking. We discuss individual targets where necessary, for example school support targets, and communicate these to parents.
We also use ‘Feed it Forward’ – writing a simple additional target that moves the children’s learning forward at the top of the next page. This highlights to children simple ways in which they can improve their work quickly during their next pieces.
When the target is met, a ‘target met sticker’ is stuck into the child’s book next to the met target.
At Joseph Hood, we use a cursive style when teaching handwriting. It is our aim to teach all children to write, legibly, fluently and at a reasonable speed.
In the Foundation Stage, children need to be ready to learn the physical process of writing. In order to do this they will need lots of opportunities to practice these skills, such as finger painting, threading beads, scribbling, picture making and tracing simple patterns. Following on from this, children in the foundation stage should be taught how to develop the correct pencil grip and posture for writing.
With the support of our ‘Read Write Inc’ phonics programme, children then learn how to form the 26 initial letters with correct orientation with lead out strokes.
When the children are secure with the basic formation of the 26 letters with lead out strokes, they should then be introduced to the lead in strokes and the basic joins. Many children will naturally make the joins for themselves. Children will reach this stage of handwriting at different times.


When writing for a child or for notices and labels around the school, all our staff use the school’s handwriting policy and provide an excellent model for the children to follow.
