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Moving on to Secondary School

We have excellent relationship with the local secondary schools and work in partnership with them throughout the school year; extending our children's learning and preparing our Year 6 students for the next phase of their education.
Our students go on to attend a wide range of high performing secondary schools. 


Applying for Secondary School
Applications for Merton Secondary Schools are made in the first half of the Autumn term of the year in which a child is in Year 6. The applications must be completed before midnight on the 31st October. 
At Joseph Hood, we support our parents and children throughout the application and hold meetings for parents of our Year 6 pupils to talk through the process.  We also invite local secondary school leaders to come and talk about what their schools can offer. 
Parents are encouraged to visit as many schools as possible before applying. 
A list of all Merton Secondary Schools and links to their websites can be found hereOnline/Virtual tours can be found on the schools' websites.
The Merton guidance on secondary school admissions can be found here
Merton schools are not academically selective but some require additional information (eg. faith schools). Please look at their websites for their latest admissions criteria. 
How to Apply
Applications should be made online before midnight on the 31st October. Click here for the link to the e-admissions website. If you are unable to access the information online please call 0208 274 4906 and request a paper copy of the Secondary Schools guidance booklet and application form. 
Parents can apply for up to six schools and these schools can be within or outside their home borough. 
Applications to independent fee paying schools and grammar schools vary and may need to be started whilst your child is in Year 5 (or earlier for some independent schools) . Parents should contact these schools directly to find out about their admissions process. 
If your child has an EHCP, your admissions are dealt with by the Merton SEND team and you can obtain further information from Miss Shepard or your child’s case worker at Merton.
Schools in Other Boroughs
You may wish to apply for a school in another borough. Links to other borough's admissions pages can be found below. We recommend that you carefully look at the admissions criteria of any school outside Merton. Many schools follow the same system as Merton and can be applied for at the same time as part of the same application, however some require additional information or for you to register earlier (such as those that have entry tests.)
Transitioning to Year 7
All secondary schools organise visits for their new pupils and often also come to meet the new students at our school over the Summer term in Year 6. We also spend time preparing the children themselves to ensure that transition is as smooth as possible.


Here is a short presentation that is used during our Year 6 Coffee Mornings to help explain the process of applying to Secondary School.
