Dear Parents and Carers,
As mentioned in previous letters, we will be running our Breakfast Club from Monday 7th September 2020. However, at this time we are unable to run after school club due to restrictions around keeping children in manageable bubbles and trying to limit staff movement between bubbles. This arrangement will be reviewed by October half term.
- Breakfast Club will run in 3 phases: Phase 1- Reception and Year 1, Phase 2- Year 2 and 3 and Phase 3 – Years 4,5, and 6. This will be limited to 10 spaces in each phase. There will be a fee of £25.00 for the whole week and this must be paid in advance. There will be a booking in system each week and places will be allocated on a first come/first served basis. If you would like to use this, please contact Sue McDonnell in the school office as soon as possible on: sue.mcdonnell@josephhood.merton.sch.uk (if you have already emailed we have already added your child to the list).
- Breakfast Club will take place in the large hall where we have more space and children can be socially distanced. Children will need to be dropped off between 7.45-8.10. Breakfast will be served at 8.15, so that children and staff can be in class from 8.30am. If children arrive after 8.15, they will not be able to go into breakfast club and will need to wait with you until their allocated time slot to start school. This is because children drifting in after 8.15 means both staff and children will be delayed getting into class and unfortunately due to the current restrictions we are working with, we cannot be more flexible with this as we cannot lose valuable learning time.
- Children will need to be walked up to the blue gate and enter breakfast club via the first hall door where a member of staff will greet you and ask you to sign your child in. Children cannot come into breakfast club unaccompanied.
- Once inside the hall children will be allocated tables according to their phase and play equipment/ table top activities will be provided. Children will also be given an area to place their coats and bags etc. Play equipment will be allocated to each phase and sprayed with antibacterial spray daily and washed in the dishwasher every Friday.
- Staff in breakfast club will be the usual staff and some of the after school club staff-Chris Bosher, Helen McQue, Gill Blyth, Kelly Brooks, Kim Ashbolt-Collings and Diane Spall.
If you have any questions about breakfast club arrangements please call the school office and a member of staff will be able to help you or will return your call as soon as possible. We look forward to welcoming back.
Kind regards
Anita Saville and Libby Wright.