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  • Young Writers' Competition 2020

    Thu 30 Apr 2020 Miss Hudson


    Well done to all of the children who took part in this year's Young Writers' Competition!  We had entries from 18 children this year across KS1 and KS2 and what fantastic entries they were!  From strange and extravagant dreams, to mythical creatures and adventures in unknown lands, 'The Secret' was certainly interpreted in so many amazing and engaging ways!  All of the entrants should all be incredibly proud of themselves!


    The entrants are as follows:

    Year 2: Keena C
    Year 3: Cassandra A, Gemma M, Iris V 

    Year 4: Jessica A, Megan B, Hannah H, Alice P, Erik S, David V, Marcos Z-F

    Year 5: Sammy H, Julia M

    Year 6: Mohamed A, Jacob H, Rosie H, Robert K, Florence W


    A very special well done to the following children whose entries were put forward:
    ​Keena C

    Iris V

    Erik S

    David V

    Sammy H

    Jacob H

    Robert K

    Julia M

    Florence W

  • Latest letter from Mrs Saville

    Thu 30 Apr 2020


    29th April 2020


    Dear Parents and Carers,


    I hope you and your families are remaining safe and well during this difficult time. I know that as this lockdown period is extended, children and parents are under additional pressures and stresses; as a school community we are here to support and help where we can.


    I do hope your children are enjoying their home learning. I wanted to reassure you that although teachers are setting home learning for children to complete and Yr 2-Yr 6 teachers are checking in with children on the Google Classroom, we believe that the main priority at the moment is the children’s and your own well-being. We do understand that not all children will be able to complete all work on a daily basis. If this is the case-encourage the children to read books, play games (not just electronic ones), play outside and be creative-these activities are just as important at this time.


    We are continuing to look at ways to improve the online experiences for our children and will update you with information as we improve/change things. For example, Year 1 parents will receive a letter today about using the Parent Share platform to communicate with school.


    I am sure you will have seen the media speculation about possible return to school dates, however this is still speculation and like you we do not have any further information. I know this will also be an anxious time for many of you and as soon as we are told that school can reopen, I will be in touch with a plan around how this is managed to ensure that we can keep your children and our school community safe.


    If you do have any queries or concerns, there are always staff in school Monday-Friday and we can be contacted on the email- or on 02028 542 2471 where you can leave a message and someone will return your call as soon as possible.


    I would like to thank you for your continued support and wish you and your families well.


    Yours sincerely


    Mrs Saville



  • Letter to the children at Joseph Hood,20th April 2020

    Mon 20 Apr 2020

    To all the children at Joseph Hood

    Good afternoon to you, Mrs Saville here! Today would normally have been the first day of the summer term and we would have been welcoming you all back to school this morning. Instead school is still closed and we have to continue with our home learning.

    I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the lovely weather over the last two weeks and I am sure many of you enjoyed some chocolate Easter Eggs.

    As we start the Summer Term, I wanted to remind you about your learning tasks over the next two weeks. If you are in Early Years or Key Stage One, your home learning tasks are on our school website. If you are in Key Stage Two, you can access your home learning via the Google classrooms where teachers are available to support you every morning from 10.00-11.00am. You shouldn’t be spending all day on home learning-remember to take time to do the things you enjoy, like spending time with your families, playing outside if you can, doing some art and craft, cooking and reading. Read lots of books while you are at home!

    Many of you will be wondering when you can come back to school and at the moment, I’m sorry that I don’t know the answer to that question. We will all be back together again when the government tells us it is safe for us all to return. I am really looking forward to when school can properly reopen and we can all be together. Your teachers and I are really missing you all.

    Finally keep remembering to listen to your parents and carers. It is a worrying time for the grown-ups too and they need you to be kind. I know you can do it!

    I will be in touch again next week and am looking forward to when we can all be back in school together again.

    With best wishes and lots of love,
    Mrs Saville

  • Welcome to all our new families due to start in September 2020.

    Sun 19 Apr 2020
    A big welcome to all our new families that have been offered a place at our school to start with us in September 2020. The local Authority has informed us who has been offered places and we will be in touch shortly.


    Unfortunately, given the current circumstances we will not be able to arrange for you and your child to come into school for a tour and to complete the necessary paperwork at the moment. Rest assured that as soon as the Government gives us the instruction to re-open our school, we will be making contact with you to make the necessary arrangements.


    In the meantime, we hope you and your families stay safe.

    Kind regards


    Mrs Saville and the Early Years Team






  • Thank You!

    Sun 19 Apr 2020
    We made some lovely chalk drawings in the first week of the Easter Holidays.
  • Letter to the Children from Mrs Saville.

    Mon 06 Apr 2020


    To all the children at Joseph Hood


    Good afternoon to you, Mrs Saville here! I hope you are all well and have been able to get outside for a daily walk or been playing in the garden if you have one, and  that you have had the chance to enjoy some of the sunny days we have had.


    Today is the last day of the Spring term, before we break up for the Easter Holidays-though I am sure like me, you are finding the days are all a bit confusing at the moment. Normally on the last day of term I would say goodbye to you on the gate but since we can’t do that today, I decided to send you a message instead. I have been thinking of you all over the last two weeks and wondering what you have all been doing.


    I hope you have been remembering to listen to your parents and carers and are doing what they say. I hope you are also being kind to everyone in your house-especially your brothers and sisters if you have them.


    We won’t be setting any school work over the next two weeks so take some time to relax and enjoy doing the things that make you happy, like cooking, art, playing outside if you can, reading, watching a movie, playing a board game. Try not to spend too much time on your screens or playing computer games and instead make the most of your time and be thankful for all the good things- like your families, spending time at home or noticing the changes outside as Spring comes. You can always draw a rainbow or a Joseph Hood boat to put up in your windows so people know when they are out that you are part of the Joseph Hood family.


    I will be in touch again after Easter and am looking forward to when we can all be back in school together again.



    With best wishes and lots of love,



    Mrs Saville
