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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Whats been happening in school this week for the Children of Key Workers

    Thu 26 Mar 2020

    Here are some photos of the activities our key worker children have been doing in school this week.  Every morning they have been trying out the Joe Wicks Workout with the adults in the hall.  This sets them up for day and gives them plenty of energy!  Key Stage Two have been online doing the work that has been set for them by their teachers.  In the afternoon it is a little more relaxing. Art is a very cathartic pastime and the children have been making great use of our resources in school. Key Stage Two have been using their drawing skills to draw some amazing faces and Key Stage One have been painting pictures of our Chickens, who kindly posed for them! The children have also been collecting the eggs from the coop. 

  • Letter to the children at Joseph Hood

    Mon 23 Mar 2020 ANITA SAVILLE


    To all the children at Joseph Hood


    Good morning to you, Mrs Saville here!


    I usually say good morning to you on the gate but since we can’t do that for the time being, I decided to send you an email instead. I won’t be able to do this every day but I will be thinking of you whilst the school is closed.


    When you come to school each day, I know that you know exactly how to behave and make good choices (you are brilliant at it!) and I wanted to remind you that the same rules apply at home.


    So, whilst we are apart, I would like you to remember to do the following things every day if you can manage it!


    1. Listen to your parents and carers and do what they say – like at school, all the rules are there to keep you safe and help you to learn. DON’T FORGET TO WASH YOUR HANDS!


    1. Be kind and thoughtful to others. Staying at home might feel frustrating at times but remember to try to do at least one good deed every day – it will make you feel great, I promise! (Remember how we encourage other in our assemblies and how we celebrate Acts of Random Kindness? You can do that at home too!)


    1. Make good choices. Think before you speak or act and remember to treat others as you would like them to treat you.


    1. Be thankful for all the good things you have and experience (a yummy lunch, being with your families, looking out the window and seeing fun shapes in the clouds, listening to birds singing, playing a game with your family….. there will be loads more!)


    1. Learn something every day. Whilst you are at home, I need you to keep learning!  Maths, reading, writing, more reading, art, sports and read some more! Your parents may not be teachers (although some are) but they are there to help you.


    1. Remember this is a difficult time for both you and the grown-ups at home but also remember that you have lots to be thankful about.





    If you need to ask me anything, just send school an email or if you are in KS2 go onto the Google classroom-this will be up and running after Easter.


    I look forward to hearing about all your home learning and can’t wait until we are all back at school, learning and playing together again.



    With best wishes and lots of love,



    Mrs Saville

  • Home Learning

    Thu 19 Mar 2020





    19th March 2020

    Home Learning letter

    Dear Parents / Carers,

    As you are now aware school will be closing on Friday for all but front line key workers.  Class teachers and management have organised home learning activities which can be accessed via our school website.

    This will be updated after the Easter holidays, should the closure remain in place, alongside end of year expectations to support parents with pupils’ learning.

    There will also be hard copies of the homework given out to pupils who have no access to the internet at home.

    Your children will be provided with passwords for the following online educational sites which are used in school:

    • Education City (R to Year 6)
    • LGFL- Busy Things – (N to Year 6)
    • Times Tables Rockstars – (Year 2 to Year 6 )

    These passwords will be stuck into your child’s reading record or emailed home.

    All children should read to or with a parent/carer/sibling a minimum of 5x per week, and collect signatures in their reading record book. Children may read a range of texts, which may differ from their school reading book.

    End of year High Frequency lists or phonics will be put on the website/sent home for children to learn for the duration of the school closure.

    Ongoing practising of times tables is expected throughout the school.

    Expectations from the National Curriculum are as follows:

    by the end of Year 2, children should know their 2x, 5x and 10x tables;

    by the end of Year 3, children should also their 3x, 4x and 8x tables;

    by the end of Year 4, children should know ALL times tables up to 12 x 12.




    We have also carefully selected the following free online learning sites, should you wish to use them:

    For all children to access:

    Oxford Owl


    Classroom Secrets-free trial available at



    For Early Years




    For KS1,584,037,589,000






    For KS2




    In line with our school homework policy, there will be no homework for the Easter holidays.

    Keep checking on the school website for any additional information and updates. You can email school if you need to keep in touch or inform school of anything. Emails will be read daily (except for the Easter holiday).

    Thank you for your continuing support.

    Kind regards


    Mrs Saville

  • Latest letter to Parents

    Wed 18 Mar 2020

    18th March 2020

    Latest update on the Coronavirus

    Dear Parents,


    As you already know, on 16 March 2020 the Government announced further steps in its plan to tackle the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19 and updated their advice for this ‘Delay Phase’.


    The new features of this phase are:


    • People with a new and persistent cough and / or a high temperature should self-isolate for 14 days, along with all members of their family/household. Note: This is a change from earlier advice. This means any children with a high temperature or cough must remain at home in isolation for 14 days even if the symptoms clear, as must people living in the household. It also means where someone in the household has a high temperature or cough, children cannot attend school and must remain in isolation for 14 days.


    • People without symptoms of the virus are nevertheless asked to practice ‘social distancing’ through a range of means, such as working from home if possible, avoiding non-essential travel, not going to pubs, clubs, theatres and other social venues. This applies especially to people who are over 70, or are pregnant or have some health conditions.


    • People with queries should search NHS online and should not call 111.


                 Previously announced measures are:

    • School trips abroad are banned with effect from Friday 13 March.
    • Only people admitted to hospital will be tested for the virus.
    • Older people with pre-existing conditions should not go on cruises.


    You will find the government advice in full at this link:


    It is summarised in this table:




    At this time, the Government has said that no schools need to close, and that we should all follow the advice from Public Health England.


    In line with that advice, please ensure that your child stays at home for 14 days if they show any signs of a persistent cough or a high temperature; all other family / household members should also stay at home if one family member shows the symptoms.


    As testing will now only be done upon hospital admission, we will be unable to confirm the numbers of cases, unless definitely confirmed by public Health England. This is because not everybody who gets symptoms of the virus and self-isolates will go on to be tested.



    To reiterate, the amended advice is now:

    •           Self-isolate immediately for 14 days with your family / household members if you show the 

                symptoms outlined above.


    •           Wash your hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds (we are including this in daily advice to  

                pupils at school)


    •           Avoid touching your face and hands where possible;


    •           Catch sneezes and coughs in a tissue, and then discard it immediately;


    At present, the school has no confirmed cases, among teaching staff/pupils.


    All School trips before Easter are currently cancelled.


    Please be assured the school is liaising closely with Merton Council, the NHS and Public Health England, and will update you as necessary. For further health advice, visit:


    Yours Sincerely,




    Anita Saville

    Head Teacher

  • Parents Conferences CANCELLED!

    Wed 18 Mar 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    In light of the new Coronavirus update that came out yesterday, we have taken the decision to cancel Thursday's parents afternoon.

    If you need to see a class teacher as a matter of urgency please speak to them directly or advise the school office and they will arrange for the class teacher to call you.

    We are aware that many of you will have taken the time off, or arranged your childcare so school will still close at 1.15pm as planned. This will enable staff to make calls to parents if required and make preparations for a possible school closure,if we are informed to do so.

    We will re-arrange parents afternoon for the summer term.

    Thank you for your understanding and patience at this difficult time.

    Mrs Saville

  • Latest Covid 19 advice-17th March 2020

    Tue 17 Mar 2020


    Dear Parents / Carers


    As you heard again yesterday, the government has announced the country is in the ‘delay’ phase of fighting coronavirus.  Schools across the country will remain open during this period.  However, we will be postponing all forthcoming large events.


    This means that the Year 2 trip to the Imax cinema has been cancelled and all PTFA events will be postponed until the summer term. Parents’ Meetings will be cancelled this week (please see separate information)  and the Yr 3 Toucans assembly will go ahead just to parents. All future Friday class assemblies will be cancelled until further notice.

    We are in discussions with our travel partners and insurance agents regarding the forthcoming trip to France and will update you on this soon.


    So far, we still have not had any cases of coronavirus at Joseph Hood Primary School.  As ever, we are following all of the advice being given by Public Health England and the Department of Health, this includes vulnerable members of staff having to self isolate.  

    Cleaning has been increased throughout the school, with students and staff reminded to wash their hands properly and regularly.  


    The health of our pupils and staff is our number one priority. Thankfully, the evidence so far from around the world is that children are not particularly vulnerable to coronavirus. However, it is still important that families and schools do all we can to protect each other and prevent transmission to others. 


     The NHS advice is that anyone with a high temperature and/or a new, continuous cough should stay at home for fourteen days. Please keep your son or daughter at home if they display these symptoms and notify us straight away. In addition, if your son or daughter has an underlying health condition that makes them more vulnerable to coronavirus, please discuss these circumstances with Ms Shepard, our school SENCO, Mrs Wright or myself.


    Joseph Hood Primary School is also planning for a possible situation where we might need to close for a length of time.  This is not because we have any plans to close, but because all schools need to prepare for this possibility. 


     To that effect, we have made plans for the two main responses to this virus. 


    • Scenario 1: - A lack of teachers due to staff self-isolating 


    • Scenario 2: - Forced School closure by Public Heath England



     Closure due to Scenario 1 - A lack of teachers due to staff self-isolating 


     If we reach a critical number of absent staff members which results in a decision to close partially.  We will consider a phased plan as follows:


    Option 1 – School open as normal

    • All pupils attend if well

    • All staff attend if well


    Option 2 – Staffing is predicted to be low

    • School will be open to KS1 and KS2 with all EYFS children notified to stay at home and the possibility of merged classes for remaining children in school.

    • All non-self-isolating staff will attend school


    Option 3 – Staffing is predicted to be critically low

    • School will be open to KS2 only

    • All non-self-isolating staff will attend school


    Option 4 – Insufficient staff for safe opening of the site

    • School will be closed to all children

    • All non-self-isolating staff will attend school

    Parents / carers will be communicated with in the following way:


    1. A text message will be sent to explain the situation and guide you to the school     

          website for further information.

    1. A message will be updated on the school open-check app.
    2. We will display details about the closure on our website before 7.30am stating which year groups should attend and which should not.
    3. The school will provide work for students to complete via our school website (a

    range of resources will be provided such as online software and work sheets).



    Closure due to Scenario 2: - Forced School closure by Public Heath England

     If the government closes all schools, we will: 


    • Text all parents / carers as soon as we are informed to give as much notice as possible;

    • Publish any additional information on our website;

    • Publish schoolwork for all year groups via our School website. A range of resources will be provided such as online software and worksheets. In cases where students  do not have the IT or other resources to be able to work at home, we will endeavour to find a way of helping overcome this-please speak to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible to let them know if this is the case, and we will try to print off some home packs.


     While closure remains a worst-case scenario, we wanted to reassure you that we are planning appropriately for this.  In the meantime, Joseph Hood will remain fully open and will continue to follow the official guidance being issued to all schools. 


     We will provide further updates as and when they are needed over the coming weeks. 

    I would like to thank you for your co-operation and patience at this difficult time and ask that you try to remain calm, especially around your children, who may be getting anxious about the current situation.

    Yours sincerely

    Anita Saville

  • Coronavirus Update-The Delay Phase

    Mon 16 Mar 2020

    13th March 2020

    Coronavirus Update: The Delay Phase.


    Dear Parents/Carers,


    As you may have seen yesterday evening, the Prime Minister has announced that new measures are now being taken as part of the government’s plan to delay the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).


    We have now moved to what the government describes as the Delay Phase. New guidance has also been provided from Public Health England which state that you should stay at home for 7 days if you have either:


    ● a high temperature;

    ● a new continuous cough


    This will help to protect others in our community while you are infectious. Public Health England advise you not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. You do not need to contact NHS 111 to tell them you’re staying at home and the NHS will not be testing those self-isolating with mild symptoms.


    The government has decided not to close schools at this time and school will continue to remain open until advised otherwise. To date we have had no confirmed cases of coronavirus amongst our children or staff.


    If the school does, at a later point, need to close, we will let you know as soon as we can. We have made arrangements for this and will provide learning & activities for all pupils via our website.


    We are also looking into offering access to online learning should schools be closed for a long period of time. More information will be shared with you if this becomes necessary.


    If your child is unable to access the internet at home, please contact me confidentially in writing and the school will arrange support in the event of a school closure.


    Please be assured that we will stay up to date on the latest guidance from the government, and will continue to follow all advice we receive from Public Health England (PHE).


    In return we ask our parents and carers to please let the school know if you or members of your family have been advised to self-isolate, or if you have a confirmed case of coronavirus within your household.


    If you choose to self-isolate your child, and your child and/or immediate family members within your household are not displaying the two bullet points above, please note your child’s absence will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. In this situation, your child’s teacher will not be expected to send home learning tasks as you have chosen independently to keep your child away from school.


    We are currently promoting hand washing and good hygiene with all the children in school and we will be closely monitoring the children’s health. If any child presents in school with a high temperature and/or continuous cough, we will ask you to come and collect them from school immediately.


    We will send out an update regarding parents’ evening arrangements on Monday.


    This is an exceptional situation and our priority is to do what we can to help keep our children and our wider community safe. We are extremely grateful to you for all your support and for working with us.


    Yours sincerely

    Anita Saville

  • Don't forget! Maths Workshop and SEN Parent Conferences this week.

    Sun 15 Mar 2020

    On 17th March, we will be holding SEN parent conferences. You will have received an invite letter from Miss Shepard if you require an appointment. 

    Mrs Wright and Mr Acres will also be running a KS2 Maths workshop at 9.10-all welcome.

  • Science Week

    Wed 11 Mar 2020

    Monday 9th March is the start of Science Week.  All the children are involved in doing experiments, learning about our World and investigating the STEM careers that can be available to them when they grow older.  Later in the week they will all have the chance to enter a competition to make an amazing poster with the theme ‘Our Diverse Planet’.  We will also be having a Drop Everything and Investigate Day when the classes will stop what they are doing periodically and investigate something scientific! 

  • World Book Day 2020

    Fri 06 Mar 2020

    It may have been raining and stormy outside but that didn’t dampen our pupil’s enthusiasm for our Annual World Book Day!  As ever, they didn’t disappoint and that included our staff who dressed up as well.

    We had a DEAR day where the bell rings at different times during the day and everyone has to Drop Everything And Read.

    We were lucky to get the author of ‘Lucy’s Blue Day’, Chris Duke in to visit.  Not only is he an author but also a wrestling champion!  Read more about him and his books at
